
RIDE toolset for STM32



Your STM32 Primer comes with a complete Ride7 software toolset that allows you to:

  • modify and compile applications
  • program the STM32Fxxx on the Primer
  • and debug the application while it runs on the microcontroller


The Ride7 toolset for STM32 Primer includes:

  •  Ride7: Raisonance Integrated development environment capable of debugging and programming the target microcontroller. Ride7 provides fully integrated code editing, compiling, device programming and application debugging features from a single easy-to-use graphical interface.

Ride7 delivered with Primers from STMicroelectronics and their destributors allows debugging of up to 64 Kbytes of code in RAM or Flash. A Ride7 toolset upgrade is available from Raisonance to allow  debugging with no code size limitation. 

With STM32-Primer-Pro available from Raisonance, Ride7 allows unlimited debugging and programming of the target STM32.
For more information, please consult the Raisonance web page.

  • GNU C compiler for STM32 provides fully optimizing, unlimited compilation capability. Compiler control is seamlessly integrated in Ride7. For more information about product capabilities and documentation, go to the GCC site.


For the latest software tool installations, download at