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SmartOpen4 1.0
SmartOpen4 is a connected device ....

Code size: Author:Pierre
Source files included:yes Version:1.0
Use circleOS:yes (4.6) Creation date:2014-03-17 00:22:32
Hardware modification:yes Modification date:2014-03-17 00:22:32
Based on the STM32 Primer:EvoPrimer
Downloads:2373 Views:33465
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Smart Open4 application is a computerized “companion phone“ (as smartwatch). This device can perform basic tasks, such as incoming SMS or Call notifications and get local weather on Internet. SmartOpen4 use wireless technology Bluetooth. This application can be connected on Android Phone. To work, the SmartOpen4 application request external Bluetooth module and one SDcard. To set up SmartOpen4 you will need: 1) SdCard: Place the SdCard in Open4 Slot 2) Bluetooth module: Place the module on External connector 3) Android Phone: (Minimum version Android 2.1) place the file SmartOp4.apk in the SdCard phone and install application. 4) Activate Bluetooth on your Android Phone 5) Launch application “Com to SmartOp4” 6) Start STM32F429 Open4 device and launch application SmartOp4 after touch screen calibration. 7) On Android Phone, click on button “connect to SmartOp4 device”. Note: you could change Bluetooth device name on preference. (menu/preference/device name. By default the name is RNBT-6EC5 (corresponding to the module sent to Raisonance)). 8) Wait status connection and click again if the connection is fail. 9) Wait Home view completion (1 second for the time and date, but maybe 30 seconds for location and weather depending the Internet connection state)). 10) Now, you could try to call or send a SMS to your Android phone from another phone. WARNING: BEFORE TO START APPLICATION SMARTOP4 (on ANDROID phone) YOU HAVE TO PAIR OPEN4 DEVICE TO THE PHONE Best regards, Pierre