The output file length was 133 Characters, The file is tab separated file
Before format Name& cause has been defied with 45 character length, So the output is reserving 45 character lenth irrespecting of actual length
Reprot before format
-------* Denotes Spaces
Name---------------------------------- Cause
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa---------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx----------
bbbbbb--------------------------------- yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy----------------------
ccccccccccccccccc--------------------- xxxxxx-----------------------------------
dddd------------------------------------ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz------------------
Requirement demands - only tab shoul be the separator and no spaces to be left free in 45 character, What was defind to contain.
Reprot After format
Name Cause
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
bbbbbb yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
ccccccccccccccccc xxxxxx
dddd zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz