1. Which STM32 microcontroller is on the STM32 Primer? On STM32-Primer User Manual section 2.3 it says “The STM32-Primer is equipped with an STM32F103B6, one of the new ST, Cortex-based, 32-bit microcontrollers.” However, I searched the ST Microelectronics site and could not find the device with the part number STM32F103B6. Can someone tell me which microcontroller is on the board?
2. On STM32-Primer User Manual section 2.3 it also mentioned DAC (“Fast input/output: up to 80 IOs, ADC, DAC”. However, I could not found the DAC in any of STM32 microcontroller datasheet. Can someone let me know if the microcontroller on board has a DAC build-in?