HI Etienne,
I am in need of your help since you have created this project and I am trying to use this in my project where the data has to be fetched from some other accelerometer and not the internal Accelrepmeter (that is LIS3LV02DL).
I have used lsm303dlhc accelerometer from ST and able to get the 12 bit raw values (as per datasheet) from its 2 8 bits LSB and MSB registers multiplied by the sensticity at +- 2G full scale (which is equal to 1).
Then there is this piece of code in the ChartHelper.c
ylog[0][log] = y[0] = ((m->OutX_F16 / (32*4*fullScale))) + 120; //intent; scale mems data to full height chart pixels so ZONE_HEIGHT REPRESENTS full scale of -1Newton to +1Newton
ylog[1][log] = y[1] = ((m->OutY_F16 / (32*4*fullScale)))
I wanted to know why (32*4*fullScale))) + 120 is being used,
Also If I am using some other accelerometer what all changes I have to implement in the ChartHelper.c and Chart.c.(like fullscale, senstivity ,any other factor).
My chart is nto as clean as what is obtained by LIS3LV02DL values.Rather it is too dirty !
Waiting for your helpful advice .Thanks in advance !
Last edited by softy (2013-06-12 13:05:44)