I have read several messages regarding this issue both on this forum and the STM32 forum.
Am I correct that as long as the FSMC is operating in Non-Muxed NOR mode, the nADV signal is not used by the FSMC and therefore should not interfere with the I2C.SDA signal?
I am new to the STM32 and the Primer2 with Circle OS. I am still trying to find where the FSMC is initialized to see where the registers get written to determine the mode used by Circle OS.
I looked at the schematics and it does not seem like it would need to be in Muxed-Mode...there are only D[0..7], nCS, nWR, nRD, RS and nRST signals...no address latch signal, so there does not seem to be a need to operate in Muxed Mode???
Does anyone know if the FSMC mode is operating in Muxed Mode in Circle OS?
As soon as the FSMC is used (whatever the number of signals/addresses used), all the pins potentially connected to the FSMC (all those that are declared in the datasheet with an alternate function regarding the FSMC) are not anymore useable for any other alternate function. It's why CAN/USB are not useable as long as the FSMC is running (clocked). The workaround consists in stopping the clock of the FSMC during these operations.
If I understand this correctly...if the FSMC is being clocked, then any peripherals which share the pin are disconnected from the pins used by the FSMC and therefore any external events occurring will be missed by the peripherals???
I understand from reading other forum messages that there is an LCD.c solution which controls the LCD without using the FSMC. Is this file posted somewhere? if so, please advise where it is located or can you send it to me? Thanks.
The stm32f10_conf.h comes from the ST examples. But the projet is a circleOS application, and the clocks are configured by the OS, not by the application, so the #define in this .h file are not significant. (You can see that the "RCC_Configuration" function is not called).
I'm getting a white screen problem with lcd_without_fsmc.c version.
It seems to be ralated to power regulator. If i turn my device in less than 10sec after i switched it off (or reset it from debugger) screen works as expected. Otherwise it fails to initialize and stays white.
The problem started to show itself more frequently after i optimized all input/output routines. Now it can run as fast as FSMC version if not fails to start.
I supposed you purchased an EvoPrimer with STM32E target board.
The LCD data bus has effectively changed, but the configuration of the FSMC is the same, and PB7 is always shared with FSMC, and I think that I2C will not work without change. On the other side, CAN extension is no more shared with FSMC (PB8/PB9).
Is there a working copy of the I2C for the EvoPrimer? I have tried the testi2c and cannot get it to work. The timer was changed to TIM4. The timer does stop, however, when you look at the reset/Clock in debug, the TIM4EN is showing ENABLED. The FSMC is halted I2C_DeInit(I2C1) has been invoked before configuring I2C1.
It just won't go into MASTER mode when the start function is called. The TestI2CExt doesn't work with EvoPrimer.
If anyone has been able to get the I2C1 to work (with or without OSCircle), please share your code.
It is all about coming up with new ways...to do the same old thing.
A simple solution that may have been mentioned before would be to use the CAN_Rx and CAN_Tx leads on the STM32F103 Target board. By soldering a jumper wire from the CAN_Rx/Tx to the CAN_H /L, the output of the I2C will now be available throught the 20 pin connector.
The resistor between the CAN_H/L has to be removed. Don't remove it entirely, just have it sit on one pad or else if/when you decide on using CAN, you'll never find it.
The I2C for PB.8 and PB.9 will have to be configured using the remapping of the I2C1 port.
Unfortunately, I fried the Port B before I thought of doing it this way, so this method is untested.
It is all about coming up with new ways...to do the same old thing.
The example of LCD without FSMC is available on our FTP : FTP link : "ftp://www.raisonance.com/pub/CircleOS/lcd_without_fsmc.c"
Hi yrt,
I try to use this demo but without success:(, i use you code to read range finder sensor and get stuck in this line "while(!I2C_CheckEvent(I2C1, I2C_EVENT_MASTER_TRANSMITTER_MODE_SELECTED));"
i already tries different sensors but nothing works