If you do not want to block the system with a loop, you have to increment a counter at each call of the Application handler, and check it.
Your application is called by the OS every 100 Systicks.The Systick period is depending on the CPU frequency choosen (aproximatively 1 ms at 24MHz, 0,33 ms at 72MHz). You can modify this frequency thanks to the API function "MENU_SetAppliDivider (divider_t divider) ", wherer divider is the number of systicks between two calls.
So you mean the application handler will be called at 10Hz and so will be the rate at which the LCD will be refreshed(if we are putting a code of displaying the data on the LCd in the application handler), and if we want say X Hz as the LCD refresh rate we have to put 100/X as a parameter in the MENU_SetAppliDivider ().Is this understanding correct??
Kindly let me know !