Desirable / Possible to use Primer2 without CircleOS
Has anyone wanted to or succeeded in using the Primer2 without the CircleOS? Coming from smaller MCUs, I'm not used to having OSs running under my code on embedded devices. I'm interested in knowing if it's feasible or a good idea to run code right on the bare metal on the Primer2?
Somewhat related is whether the Primer2 hardware can flash the micro without requiring a bootloader. Is this possible? And further to that, is there an easy hack to use the Primer2 to flash target boards, or is some sort of proper programming hardware necessary?
Re: Desirable / Possible to use Primer2 without CircleOS
I also want to know the same but as I heard that its not possible. As it is true or not but I am not sure about that. If anyone know about that than please share that here so that I don't get confused and can get the proper idea about that.
Re: Desirable / Possible to use Primer2 without CircleOS
Obviously, using Primer2 without CircelOS is feasible. Take a look at the project page, where some projects without Circle are available. The Primer owns an embedded RLink debug probe, allowing flash programming wih the Ride7 framework.