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# 1   2009-06-05 12:28:52 Restoring touchscreen functions when using ADC

Registered: 2009-01-27
Posts: 13

Restoring touchscreen functions when using ADC

When reconfiguring the ADC to meet one's own requirements, the CircleOS ADC configuration is overwritten and as a nasty consequence the touchscreen no longer works.

In order to get it back to work with minimum effort, I had planned to restore the CircleOS ADC config and fill the ADC_ConvertedValue buffer from my application.

However the ADC_ConvertedValue is not published in the CircleOS API.

Is there a simple way to access this CircleOS variable ?

Or is it necessary to modify CircleOS ?



# 2   2009-06-05 14:51:33 Restoring touchscreen functions when using ADC

From: France-Grenoble
Registered: 2007-07-09
Posts: 890

Re: Restoring touchscreen functions when using ADC

No, the only link between CircleOS and the applications is the set of functions (entry points) provided by the API. However, you could try to read the configuration of the ADC/DMA directly in the registers you modify (you would just have to restore these values). "ADC_ConvertedValue" should be available in the DMA registers... (you can check by opening , in the debugger, the view of the DMA peripheral).



# 3   2009-06-05 15:41:34 Restoring touchscreen functions when using ADC

Registered: 2009-01-27
Posts: 13

Re: Restoring touchscreen functions when using ADC

Correct! I can read the value from the register.

I was thinking of writing a small additional function in CircleOS util.c which would have been indeed impossible to use without an entry point... -I guess I'm Windows-biased wink

Once more, a big THANK YOU Francis!



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