Hello all,
I bought an STMcircle (first version) last year, and mostly let it gather dust, as I didn't have a proper use for it.
This year, I designed an ARM cortex CNC control PCB, and I've set myself the disturbing task of learning C and the Cortex at the same time, on my new board.
The board is going great so far, but I've come to a simple challenge, that has me stumped so far.
I want to change a nibble of bits, to mixed on and off states, within a 16 bit port. The port and the nibble position can vary, I'm driving 4 x stepper motors.
The difficulty, is that I'm trying to find the function that's listed in the stm32f10x_gpio.h file under /* Exported functions--------*/
void GPIO_WriteBit (GPIO_TypeDef* GPIOx, u16 GPIO_Pin, BitAction BitVal);
I have code that calls this function and expresses itself as actual functionality on my hardware (tested), but I can comment out the above line in the file(checked that it's the same one used in compilation), and the fiels still compile and work fine on my hardware.
I don't see enough functionality in the "exported function" line do do the full function's task, and yet after searching high and low, I can't find the actual function either.
I want to find it, so I can analyse the syntax, and adapt it to modify a nibble within the low 16 bits, and within the high 16 bits of the BSRR, within the structure set for the chosen GPIO port.
Either I'm missing something really fundamental, or I'm missing a whole series of include files...
Can anyone help please ?
(This is on the Raisonance RIDE IDE.)
Last edited by graham (2009-05-13 08:09:36)