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Hello,Anyone tried to run audio out at 44.1Khz?I have en small example running, but there are some distortion, i can't figure out if it is hardware or software related...Anyone have perfect sound out?Kasper
Btw.. Could be issues with IRQ functions...I think i have seen SPI3 has the highest priority, am i correct on that?Kasper
The highest priority is for Timer2, that calls the management of the SPI (for the MEMS) and the I2C. The problem with I2C+audio is that it freezes when it is interrupted... Thus, we had to keep the highest priority for this.
Hello,This is what i get from the Source:SPI3PreemptionPriority = 0SubPriority = 0TIM2PreemptionPriority = 1SubPriority = 1SystickPreemptionPriority = 3SubPriority = 3So, for me it seems the highst irq are SPI3 and it can interupt the other interupts...??or do i understand it uncorrectly?Kasper
It seems that you are right... sorry.