For the last days, we are encountering two different issues:
1. Some users reload the CircleOS binary code of the Primer1, that is NOT working for Primer2 and shuts down immedialtely the power supply.
2. At the factory (until now, no end user reports this problem), testers meets a problem with about 2% of the boards, because of the U9 regulator. The problem seems to be caused by a too light link between the GND pin of U9 and the ground copper. The factory is currently testing a solution (a wire soldered manually), but they have also to replace the burned regulators ..
For the #1, the behaviour is the following: sometimes the LCD monitor lights on, then off immediately. The solution consists in reprogramming the CircleOS for Primer2 ( Restore_Primer2_Circle_Factory.bat) while keeping pressed the button to maintain the power supply.