Ok! take the project "Drummer 1.0" as example.
In the file Drummer.rprj row 2 to 4 you find the following...
<Project Header="Project 'Drummer'" Path="D:\STM32\Drummer\Drummer.rprj" Project="Yes" OutputFile="" sate="96" ActiveApp="Drummer" >
<ApplicationBuild Header="Drummer" Extern=".\Drummer.rapp" Path=".\PlayWav.rapp" OutputFile=".\objdebug\PlayWav.elf" sate="96" Config="Circle_Debug" />
This will try to create the directory D:\STM32\Drummer\
Since D: is my CD drive... this will crash Ride7
Lets say that I change this to C:\STM32\Drummer\ and create this directory an put the project there.
Now on row row 26 and 27 in Drummer.rapp you can find this...
<NodeApp Path="..\..\..\Program Files\Raisonance\Ride\Lib\ARM\CircleOS\FAT.elf" Header="FAT.elf" Marker="-1" OutputFile="" sate="0" />
<NodeApp Path="..\..\Kasper\Circle_audio_moreIRQ_incl_2x_DMA - Copy\OS\Primer2_obj\Primer2_Circle.elf" Header="Primer2_Circle.elf" Marker="-1" OutputFile="" sate="0" />
This will create a new pathway on my hard disk.
C:\Kasper\Circle_audio_moreIRQ_incl_2x_DMA - Copy\OS\Primer2_obj\
and create a file called Primer2_Circle.elf.dbi in ... \Primer2_obj\
In this example its easy to find the files thats being created as there is absolute pathways.
If it isn't, and it uses relative pathways, Ride7 will create new paths that are nestled in the current directory structure.
This is totally unacceptable!!! All the projects that we can find to download, uses it's very own catalog structure. And it isn't stated where to put each project. to make it work.
This implies that everyone on stm32circle has to understand how Ride7 works, and the files it creates. And investigate all projects to know how to change them and where to put them in the directory chain to make them work correctly.
This is to ask to much from the user. Not even you at Raisonance seem to understand how the monster Ride7 works, and not those who have been kind enough to contribute with projects that they have coded.
We need some kind of standard for where to place projects. And someone who has enough knowledge about Ride7, has to take all projects and rework them so that they follow this standard.
At this state you can respectfully say that...
The Primer series is a good way to constrain your creativity!