/var/www/restricted/ssh/stm32/www/stm32circle/ STM CircleOS forum / how to download the application to stm32primer2??help!!



# 1   2009-07-29 03:07:35 how to download the application to stm32primer2??help!!

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Registered: 2009-06-19
Posts: 4

how to download the application to stm32primer2??help!!

hi :
    i alway use “Debug | Start” to program my application to  STM32-Primer2. but i download
the project  such as mp3player1.01,use “Debug | Start”,it does not work.
    how to download this project's programme to primer2?



# 2   2009-07-29 03:55:19 how to download the application to stm32primer2??help!!

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Registered: 2009-06-19
Posts: 4

Re: how to download the application to stm32primer2??help!!

is there any documents to discribe the problem ,thanks



# 3   2009-07-29 04:32:36 how to download the application to stm32primer2??help!!

Registered: 2009-02-11
Posts: 57

Re: how to download the application to stm32primer2??help!!

Check folder "Debug" or "release" and double click on "add_to_cirlce"



# 4   2009-07-30 08:51:12 how to download the application to stm32primer2??help!!

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Registered: 2009-06-19
Posts: 4

Re: how to download the application to stm32primer2??help!!

thanks ShadowPhoenix ,i will try it !!
By the way ,if i want to use rflash7 to dowmload the programme to primer2,which file to load?



# 5   2009-07-30 15:00:11 how to download the application to stm32primer2??help!!

Registered: 2009-02-11
Posts: 57

Re: how to download the application to stm32primer2??help!!

Well, rflash will flash over your OS..



# 6   2009-07-31 06:23:15 how to download the application to stm32primer2??help!!

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Registered: 2009-06-19
Posts: 4

Re: how to download the application to stm32primer2??help!!

double click the file "objrelease\add_to circle.bat" ,can download the application to primer2?

what about the os?



# 7   2009-07-31 16:07:21 how to download the application to stm32primer2??help!!

Registered: 2009-02-11
Posts: 57

Re: how to download the application to stm32primer2??help!!

Primer (2) has 512kb of flash. Now, when you click on "add_to_circle" it reads the FAT table and figures out where to put your application. It basically asks the OS "hey, I got a 2kb app here, where can I put it so you know where to locate it?". Now, if you wanted to flash your OS you'd just load the elf/hex file and blindly put that in.



# 8   2009-08-11 10:54:47 how to download the application to stm32primer2??help!!

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Registered: 2009-07-14
Posts: 6

Re: how to download the application to stm32primer2??help!!

i've got the same problem that i can't load de apps onto the primer2.
the 'add_to_Circle.bat' file does not work. it always just opens up a comand prompt for a very short moment and afterwards it's immediatly closed and on the primer2 there is no change in the application folder.
so whats the problem with my device or what else??
thanks for your help.
greets tomtom



# 9   2009-08-11 11:52:46 how to download the application to stm32primer2??help!!

From: France-Grenoble
Registered: 2007-07-09
Posts: 890

Re: how to download the application to stm32primer2??help!!

You must install RIDE + RKitARM (get the latest version from the Raisonance web site) to make the batch working. The batch calls an executable called 'circle_mgr.exe', that is provided in the RKitARM.



# 10   2009-08-11 12:44:14 how to download the application to stm32primer2??help!!

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Re: how to download the application to stm32primer2??help!!

i had already installed these programes.
now i deinstalled them and downloaded the latest version from Ride 7 (v7.22.09.0203) and RKit-ARM (v1.20.09.0154) from http://www.mcu-raisonance.com/mcu_downloads.html and installed them new.
but all that doesn't seem to help. It just looks like before. Same behaviour of the programes and the primer2.
what else could i try to do?
greets tom



# 11   2009-08-11 14:36:20 how to download the application to stm32primer2??help!!

Registered: 2008-02-21
Posts: 98

Re: how to download the application to stm32primer2??help!!

Hi Tom

Before searching problem in the device you need to investigate in the software behaviour.
You tried to run a batch file by double clicking on it and as result it close without saying anything.

I suggest you open a command prompt and use "CD" to go to the place where the batch file
After that type the 'add_to_Circle.bat' and see the result.

For instance if i do that in "C:\Program files\\raisonance\Ride\lib\ARM\CircleOS\Circle_App\objdebug" I get this (it is normal as i have no application there):


Error: No .lib or .o file has been found. Aborting.

If you want to check your hardware you can also use Ride7 software and try to debug directly.




# 12   2009-08-12 08:56:37 how to download the application to stm32primer2??help!!

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Registered: 2009-07-14
Posts: 6

Re: how to download the application to stm32primer2??help!!

oh thx matloub now it works great.
i really appreciate your help because i didnt find something belonging to this topic in the documentations.
greets tom



# 13   2010-07-06 09:19:23 how to download the application to stm32primer2??help!!

ankita madan
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Registered: 2010-06-23
Posts: 3

Re: how to download the application to stm32primer2??help!!

Big Thanks, it helpped me too



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