/var/www/restricted/ssh/stm32/www/stm32circle/ STM CircleOS forum / Adding competition projects?



# 1   2008-09-24 11:45:49 Adding competition projects?

New member
Registered: 2008-09-24
Posts: 3

Adding competition projects?

I'm still very confused about the process of adding applications. If I find a batch file that loads a .hex (for example, the Contest Miscellaneous Bundle supplied by Lionel)  it couldn't be easier. But after downloading the Kaleidoscope project individually, I couldn't find a similar batch file and don't understand what I should be doing to install it.

On a similar note, I added the picture application (using the batch file supplied) then ran the "demo_flash_picture_1_and_2" batch. This created file not found errors while calliing "bmp2bin.rb" and left my STM32 for dead. I followed the instructions in the STM32-Primer Manual to restore the factory configuration by proramming it with the file "Pcircle.hex" but now it doesn't show the demo applications (maze and breakout). Where are these to be found?

I had expected to be able to find a way of loading applications into the STM32 from the Ride IDE, but while I could open a project (like the kaleidoscope) the restrictions wouldn't allow me to run the debugger - the only way I can find to load an application from the IDE.

I'm obviously a complete noob to the STM32, but with three decades of experience in  embedded designs using other microprocessors I feel that the documentation could do better at introducing newcomers to this Primer.



# 2   2008-09-24 13:27:53 Adding competition projects?

New member
Registered: 2008-09-24
Posts: 3

Re: Adding competition projects?

From the STM32-Primer-Manual.PDF page 15:

Add | Afilename | Add a new application (object file). circle_mgr.exe Ac:\tmp\level.o

I understand that this should add the compiled application object file "c:\tmp\level.o" to the list of applications.  OK fine. But what puzzles me is that i can't find a kaleidoscope.o file. There is a kaleidoscope.hex file, but in the manual it warns:

"Caution: Any hex file can be programmed to the FLASH memory of your STM32-Primer using
the “cortex_pgm.exe” utility. However, doing this will destroy your CircleOS firmware, and you
will have to reinstall it if you wish to use it later (refer to chapter 4.7 "Restoring the factory
configuration" for details)."

Well, the collections provided by Lionel all use .hex file as arguments and they're added as applications without upsetting the CircleOS firmware -  so what makes an application "safe" as a  hex file and why aren't all applications supplied as .o files as page 15 suggests?



# 3   2008-09-24 14:40:03 Adding competition projects?

Registered: 2008-02-21
Posts: 98

Re: Adding competition projects?

Hi Legion

I will try to give you some answers to the numerous questions

1. The user manual document that you have read is the good one and is provided with Ride7 software
I do think it is enough for beginning with the Primer.
Still I found that there is a fault in this document concerning restoring the circleos factory.
This line cortex_pgm TSTM32F103RBT6 E Pcircle.hex S should be cortex_pgm TSTM32F103RBT6 E PCircle_Factory.hex S
That explains why the applications Maze etc.. were lost
Sorr for this fault.

2. How to add application is also explained in this document
I think you found the command line do to this so I will just add some precisions:
The circle_mgr.exe  the .o file and  add it to the file that will be programmed to the circle.
If you use the cortex_pgm.exe you will load the file in argument.
So if this file has not been compiled with  circleOS and other  you will have no circleOS.

3. I have tried to add the picture application using the .bat and no problem to add it.
I am not getting the error you received
Here is what I get from the command prompt:


 *** Launching : circle_mgr.exe APicture.o L S

Circle_Mgr: software for managing CircleOS applications.
Copyright Raisonance 2007.

Connecting to RLink... OK
Connecting to target... OK
Reading target IdCode... OK
          IdCode read: 0x3BA00477
          Silicon Revision Id: 0x00006410.
          Option bytes: RDP=0xA5, USER=0xFF, WRP=0xFFFFFFFF
Reading FAT table...
App0: Name=Maze,  Addr=0x08006000, Size=9KB
App1: Name=Breakout,  Addr=0x08008400, Size=4KB
App2: Name=Picture,  Addr=0x08009400, Size=1KB.... OK

Linking file Picture.o...
Link of Picture.o succeeded...
Hex file generated...
Blank-checking the FLASH area...OK
Programming file .\_tmp_.ld.hex to flash... OK

Registering application in FAT... OK

Reading FAT table...
App0: Name=Maze,  Addr=0x08006000, Size=9KB
App1: Name=Breakout,  Addr=0x08008400, Size=4KB
App2: Name=Picture,  Addr=0x08009400, Size=1KB
App3: Name=Picture,  Addr=0x08009800, Size=1KB.... OK

Larger free block= 90KB

Starting program execution... OK

Closing com with RLink... OK

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