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# 1   2009-01-18 23:29:42 C++ compiler is not working - false advertisment on STM32 Primer2 box

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Registered: 2009-01-04
Posts: 3

C++ compiler is not working - false advertisment on STM32 Primer2 box

I bought STM32 Primer2 with the sole intend of programming in C++ (not pure C). The STM32 Primer2 package has the following label imprinted:
"Compete toolset:
- C/C++ compiler
- Ride7 development environment
- Free demos"

When I tried to build  even a very basic C++ program I get many linker errors:
undefined reference to `operator delete(void*)'
undefined reference to `operator new[](unsigned int)'
undefined reference to `__cxa_end_cleanup'
undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_v0'
undefined reference to `vtable for __cxxabiv1::__si_class_type_info'
undefined reference to `vtable for __cxxabiv1::__class_type_info'

I posted  the above problem in both stm32circle.com and raisonance forums more than a week ago, but I didn't get any answer. Looking at this web site I see you talk about GNU C compiler omitting the "C++". It seems to me that I was tricked to buy STM32 Primer2, by a false advertisement. You product does not have C++ compiler as it is stated on the box. I look forward to your reply ASAP.
Thank you

Last edited by juser (2009-01-18 23:30:03)



# 2   2009-01-20 08:59:41 C++ compiler is not working - false advertisment on STM32 Primer2 box

Registered: 2007-07-09
Posts: 68

Re: C++ compiler is not working - false advertisment on STM32 Primer2 box

  The reference to the C++ capability of the compiler is an error. In the context of STM32 this reference should not be made because of the following limitations:
- STM32 libraries are only available in C
- The size of executable resulting from C++ sources exceeds the 32 Kbyte debug limitation of the Primer
- Ride7 does not support debug in the C++ sources

The GCC compiler does compile C++ files. If you wish to use it for this purpose refer to the post by VincentC: http://www.stm32circle.com/forum/viewto … 699#p1699.

We sincerely appologize for any confusion this reference has caused. Currently there is no concrete plan for debug support of C++ sources. We will update users via the site if there is any change to this situation.



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