Is there an update available for this file that lives in the folder C:\Program Files\Raisonance\Ride\Sim\ARM ?
The date on my most recent download is 4 October 2007. (from CDrom 1.3 on this sites home page)
Registers are missing, for example TIM1_BDTR. (at offset 0x44)
Also NVIC and other ARM core registers seem to be missing.
And 16bit UART registers often display only the low 8 bits in the ride7 ide. The other byte is always 00.
There is a huge amount of text in these files - did someone at Raisonance actualy type all this in manually or was it somehow auto-generated from some resource supplied by ST? The bit-field descriptions are very handy.
Last edited by Stewee (2008-02-26 12:49:34)