Hello Squonk, I believe you are correct that the limitation is on the Windows side. I also believe that the limitation is probably at the application level rather than the driver level, especially if the application is a dumb terminal program.
You may have noticed that the low speed is only in one direction from Primer to Host-PC, since if you use the COPY file COM8: method, from a command prompt, to copy a test data file to the Primer, the effective baud is much faster. Try with a file of exactly 1 Million bytes and you'll see what I mean!! Delays were put in PrimerVirtualCom Transmit-to-host code purely to overcome -what I believed to be- a limited ability of the Hosts dumb-terminal APPLICATION to accomodate received data at more than 115k.
You may also have noticed that a dumb terminal program can set the baud to say 2400 and it still works fine without changing anything at the Primer end.
It may be true that if a lean and fast test program is written for the host-PC that simply verifies received data, it will probably accept data at faster than 115k. The delays could then probably be reduced or removed from the Primers transmit-to-host test code.
There are some useful references in this post; http://www.stm32circle.com/forum/viewto … d=348#p348
Last edited by Stewee (2008-01-16 08:29:01)