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# 1   2010-06-15 09:11:25 Automating Ride7

New member
Registered: 2009-01-13
Posts: 4

Automating Ride7

Dear People, i try to find several options in Ride7 which are described in the help, but not accessible in the IDE.

Im searching for a way to exeute commands after build has been finished.
(Want to generate DFU files automatically with the DFU example i changed a bit)

Like described in the manuals there should be a "Options|->Tools"-menu entry. but there isnt !
Also there is no "Additional options" field in the project properties, where i can enter my scripts.

I'm searching for these options:

Another way would be that i can use the Ride7 from outside (PsPad) to compile my project. but i didn't find any information describing this. (Despite of the Debug-Perl script which doesnt help to see  how to compile)

It seems to be that the manuals shipped with the Ride7-Package are completely outdated (2007).
Are there any new Manuals out there ?
i attached an Image of all accassible settings, Please help me ;

thanks in advance
best regards

Last edited by qayqaywsx (2010-06-15 09:56:08)



# 2   2010-06-15 15:04:38 Automating Ride7

Registered: 2007-11-16
Posts: 16

Re: Automating Ride7

Dear Max,

The documentation you are referring to, concerns another kit (PPC) of Ride7.

Unfortunately the "post build" command is missing in this version of Ride7 environment for STM32. This will be fixed in the coming versions of Ride7 and tools.

In meanwhile, you can manually modify [RideInstallDirectory]\config\ARM\LD.config to adapt it to your needs. To do so:

1. Backup your current version of [RideInstallDirectory]\config\ARM\LD.config.
2. Edit the file and insert your command line as CDATA section of the <Tool> node. For example:

<!-- my special command -->
<![CDATA["c:\myprogramdirectory\myprogram.exe" "$(ApplicationDir)\$(ApplicationName).elf"]]>

3. Save the file and restart Ride7. The config files are loaded at startup and Ride7 should be restarted at each modification.

Ride7 could also be launched from outside to execute a jscript file to build a project. To do this you should:

1. Create a myscript.js file containing something like this


2. Launch Ride7 and make it execute this script :
Ride7.exe -p "myscript.js"

Automation in Ride7 is a new feature, and you should make sure that you have the latest version of Ride7 (7.30) environment before using this.

Best regards,




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