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# 1   2010-05-17 15:44:38 lcd no fsmc + circle v3.8

Registered: 2010-03-12
Posts: 50

lcd no fsmc + circle v3.8

I've done required changed on the initial lcd_no_fsmc.c  source (see http://www.stm32circle.com/forum/viewto … 15&p=2 ) to make it compatible work with circle 3.8, I ended up with a flash overflow

" Running: LD ...
ld.exe: region FLASH overflowed by 96 bytes 
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status  "
i did fix this in Primer2_Circle.ld file  by changing
FLASH    (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x08000000, LENGTH = 24K-256
FLASH    (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x08000000, LENGTH = 25K-256

i was a bit scared as the next line in ld file says
/*  FLASHDATA (r) : ORIGIN = 0x08000000+512K-128K, LENGTH = 128K */
/* !!! WARNING: you cannot change this without changing Circle_Mgr accordingly !!! */

but it seam to be ok, i can run the modified circle via the debug link but is the resulting elf file usable as default to include application  etc ?
if not ok what can i do to save the few bytes required?

By the way what files should be replaced in  C:\Program Files\Raisonance\Ride\lib\ARM_CircleOS ?

thanks in advance



# 2   2010-05-17 16:03:35 lcd no fsmc + circle v3.8

From: Belgorod, Russia
Registered: 2009-11-01
Posts: 134

Re: lcd no fsmc + circle v3.8

If you change memory layout like this, you won't be able to install new applications with circle_mgr.exe. Plus it will result in incompatible code.

Intead try moving a few functions into the non_debuggable section.


__attribute__ ((section(".non_debuggable_code")))
    void LCD_RectRead( u16 x, u16 y, u16 width, u16 height, u8* bmp )

Or you can start removing irrelevant code pieces from file. I've managed to remove enough to fit it in the same space.



# 3   2010-05-17 16:39:03 lcd no fsmc + circle v3.8

Registered: 2010-03-12
Posts: 50

Re: lcd no fsmc + circle v3.8

many thanks moving a single function in the non debug section was enought wink

ragarding the udpate do you know if both projects (circle and primer2_circle) need to be build ?
then Is it enougth to copy the hex+elf  file in arm/CirclesOS directories ?

Anyway lcd is ok while debuging but reamin white overwisze , must be some minor issue yet to be solve



# 4   2010-05-17 16:54:09 lcd no fsmc + circle v3.8

From: Belgorod, Russia
Registered: 2009-11-01
Posts: 134

Re: lcd no fsmc + circle v3.8

You need to build Primer2_circle and FAT projects and put their output .elf files to $(RIDE7)/lib/arm/circleos
hex files are not required. They are only usefull when you want to program OS without apps.

About LCD staying white: try quickly to shutdown and then startup the device. If LCD works ok for small delays then i might have a solution for you.

Last edited by ntrf.zns (2010-05-17 17:04:23)



# 5   2010-05-17 17:15:19 lcd no fsmc + circle v3.8

Registered: 2010-03-12
Posts: 50

Re: lcd no fsmc + circle v3.8

Thers's no FAT project in the v3.8 zip ?  so how to generate the FAT./elf then ?
sorry i'm a newbie with all this smile

for lcd  it's exactly what you reported also on the over thread , same problem , lcd is ok if doing a fast off / on



# 6   2010-05-17 17:22:59 lcd no fsmc + circle v3.8

From: Belgorod, Russia
Registered: 2009-11-01
Posts: 134

Re: lcd no fsmc + circle v3.8

Yeah i forgot to tell you - you will have to add FAT.rapp into the Primer2_circle project manualy (Project -> Add Item). After full rebuild you will find both .elf's in the objdebug or objrelease folder.

In lcd.h find and recplace this line (line 178):


#define LCD_CTRL_PINS            (CtrlPin_RS|CtrlPin_RD|CtrlPin_WR|CtrlPin_RST)

Raisonanse forgot ot add RESET pin to configuration call. This will fix lcd blinking. There is also double reset, but you shouldn't worry about that - it will work this way.

Last edited by ntrf.zns (2010-05-17 17:23:59)



# 7   2010-05-18 10:03:56 lcd no fsmc + circle v3.8

Registered: 2010-03-12
Posts: 50

Re: lcd no fsmc + circle v3.8

thanks a lot it is all working fine now .
By the way i undertand from previous thread you did some optimization on the lcd/io would it be possible to got the file ?



# 8   2010-05-18 10:38:57 lcd no fsmc + circle v3.8

From: Belgorod, Russia
Registered: 2009-11-01
Posts: 134

Re: lcd no fsmc + circle v3.8

No. I'm rewriting the whole OS using CMSIS and several helper functions (no ST-LIB used at all). My circleOS version is heavily optimized and you need the whole OS for lcd code to work. And i don't want to publish it before it's completed.



# 9   2010-05-18 16:22:04 lcd no fsmc + circle v3.8

Registered: 2010-03-12
Posts: 50

Re: lcd no fsmc + circle v3.8

Ok no problem ..thanks  a lot anyway for the helps .. i guess you soon hear back from me about SPI big_smile



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