/var/www/restricted/ssh/stm32/www/stm32circle/ STM CircleOS forum / Lockups when running from battery.



# 1   2010-03-10 13:35:31 Lockups when running from battery.

New member
Registered: 2010-02-28
Posts: 4

Lockups when running from battery.

I have a brand new Primer 2 running OS v3.8.  I get lock up problems as described below.  Mores specifically, they appear to be linked to staring up on battery power.

When I turn the unit on with the USB connector plugged into the STM32 port:
1.  I get the audio "Welcome to ..." message.
2.  The Config / Test later runs properly even if I unplug the usb cable prior to running the test.

When I run START UP  without the USB plugged in:
1.  I do not get the audo  welcome message when the primer 2 is turned on.
2.  I get lock ups when running config/test about 2-3 seconds after starting the test.  This occurs even if I plug the USB in before starting the test.  The critical factor seems to be having power the unit up on battery power only.

One one occasion I got a white screen lock up on start up.

Please advise.

If I run with the USB plugged in:



# 2   2010-03-13 17:11:21 Lockups when running from battery.

New member
Registered: 2010-02-28
Posts: 4

Re: Lockups when running from battery.

I got a second unit which seems to have very similar issues related to running on battery only.  I did the following sequence with the new unit.  When I say the Config/Test locks up below, the lockup was seconds after the test started in the portion where the ball moves around the yellow rectangle.  This is before the USB portion of the test and the only input to the test from me at this point would be my tipping the unit.

I love the concept of the primer and would really like a realiable unit.  I personally was searching for an I/O controller for a project.  The primer supports this with its 20 pin IO slot.  It also offers debugging, a bidrectional UI.  Additionally if offers battery power, audio IO, accelerometer.

Are the problems I am having expected?  Is there a solutioins?  Any suggestions toward getting me on a path to having a reliable unit would be greatly appreciated.

1. Turn on with battery only.
Result: White Screen, so disconnect batter.
2. Reconnect Battery and turn on.  Normal mems ball screen but no audio.  (this in the past has meant the that config test that follows will fail). 
3.  Now do Config/Test and it fails.
4.  Now try USB pwr and Battery Together.
Got audio welcoime.
Config/Test worked.
5. USB only:
Config / test lockup. (only USB lockup in this sequence)
6.  Usb only:  Config / Test runs.
7.  USB only works.
9.  Usb only lockup.
10 usb only works.
11 usb only works.
12 Batter + USB works.
13 Battery only:
No audio welcome.  Config/Test locks up.
14.Battery Only.
No welcome. Config/Test fails.
15 Batt only:
No audio greeting.  Config / Test lockup.




# 3   2010-03-15 07:23:15 Lockups when running from battery.

From: Grenoble-France
Registered: 2008-06-11
Posts: 520

Re: Lockups when running from battery.

Hi John,

Could you check the battery voltage of your Primers, maybe they are too discharged ? But I don't understand your lockup during test when you are plugged with USB.




# 4   2010-03-15 13:02:16 Lockups when running from battery.

Registered: 2010-02-11
Posts: 20

Re: Lockups when running from battery.

Have you charged it?
Battery is almost empty when delivered.

Battery voltage should be about 4.2v when full charged.

- Juha

Last edited by Limba (2010-03-15 13:04:08)



# 5   2010-03-19 02:04:10 Lockups when running from battery.

New member
Registered: 2010-02-28
Posts: 4

Re: Lockups when running from battery.

I just ran the test from battery.  It is locked up with the screen having the ball in the yellow rectangle.  The battery status is indicated as "BAT=4.17 V    96%" 

After that the unit seemed to experience a hard failure where it will no longer turn on whether on battery power on USB power.  I tried to reload it using the emulator and I get a dialog indicating "Total IPower Failure" and a voltage of either .8V or .9V.  I think my original test problem may have been due to voltage at startup.  This is because if I powered the primer2 up on USB power, I could unplug the USB  and successfully run the test on battery power.

This is the second unit I received (2/2) that had the problem running "test".  The other unit did not hard fail though before I sent it back to the vendor.




# 6   2010-04-29 08:03:53 Lockups when running from battery.

From: Grenoble-France
Registered: 2008-06-11
Posts: 520

Re: Lockups when running from battery.

Is your Primer running correctly when you set the CPU frequency to low (Config menu/power/CPU freq) ?



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